Let Birds and Bees Vashon be a resource for all your bee-related needs. If you're just getting started keeping honeybees, we're available for (fee-based) on-site consultations. We also offer by-appointment classes, club/school talks and removal services as well as hive byproducts on Vashon Island. We look forward to meeting you!
Site Setup and Checkups
Hive location matters. Sun exposure, protection from wind, accessibility to haul gear and proximity to neighbors factor in. Getting ready to set up your site, need one-on-one help at your apiary or just want to hire an extra set of experienced eyes to periodically inspect or troubleshoot your hives? Birds and Bees offers an hourly rate for high-quality, information-rich consultations on Vashon Island for new and intermediate beekeepers.
Beekeeping Instruction
If you're trying to conduct a hive health check or just want to learn more about beekeeping, have us out to your Vashon Island apiary (or visit mine) by appointment ($50hr, one student) whether top bar or Langstroth. For each additional person (max 3 students) at the apiary, add $25 per hour. We also offer topic-specific talks and presentations (preschool, elementary, garden clubs, etc)
Honeybee Swarm Removal
Save the bees! For outdoor honeybee swarms, we will remove and house in our apiaries at no charge. We will bring all the necessary equipment; just let us know how high up they are in advance. In-wall infestations requiring cut-outs (abatement) are reasonably fee-based and no problem. We're owned by a licensed contractor who can bid repairs, if needed. Vashon Island only.
Coop or Hive Construction
Are you serious about raising chickens in Puget Sound? Want to create a coop modeled after your own home, or of all reclaimed wood, or just need a fortress that raccoons won't devastate? Consultations available at an hourly rate. We also build enduring top bar hives that are functional works of art for any backyard apiary. References available.
Apitherapy & Hive Byproducts
There's an exciting world inside the beehive. Apitherapy is defined as "the use of products derived from bees as medicine, including venom, honey, pollen, and royal jelly." We offer fresh, in-season backyard pollen, propolis chunks, freshly collected and preserved royal jelly, and very rarely, honey. For craft projects, we offer melted down wax blocks in a variety of weights. Some people even request bee stings for their ailments, a practice of bee venom therapy popular in foreign countries for centuries.